I am picked up at go to Mimiwhangata Coastal Park. The road is very winding and narrow. It's in the middle of nowhere, almost no people there. Very nice place, beautiful empty beaches. I go for a nice evening walk :)
in the morning I meet with Chris - Ranger of Department of Conservation. In the internet it was written: halping a DoC Ranger with his daily job. But I didn't know it means: mowing lawns, weeding and helping in the garden, cleaning and painting rooms for guests, moving a cattle (they graze many cows around their farm, in the park)... . Well, To be honest, I thought of something different... so to leave and catch back Gosia and fly together to Australia. Just one call to the flight centre, where I bought my plane ticket (I had a ticket from Auckland to London with changing planes in Melbourne and Abu Dhabi). I ask if I can just miss the plane from Auckland to Melbourne and simply start my flight back home from Melbourne - the answer was 'No'... if I don't start In New Zealand, my ticket is not valid. I couldn't understand... . I ask if it's possible to change my ticket, and miss one flight and start from Melbourne. They tell me 'we don't know, we will call you back in few minutes. After 5 hours - still no call back, so I call them - we still don't know, we will call as soon as we know. Eventually I am called back at 5pm, and I was told that it will cost 80Euros more... sound riddiculous for me... . However, I decide to do it, so that I can travel 10 days more with Gosia, and meet our great aussie friends, whom we hosted in Poland. Meanwhile I get to Whangarei, rangers drop me there, make shopping, internet... . After the call, I go the end of the city and hitch-hike to Auckland. When alone, it's even faster than we were together (many people have no room for the persons with backpack, or at least they think they don't) I get one ride after another, and when it's almost dark, I get a direct ride to Auckland :) I haven't waited longer than 15 minutes for a ride :) In Auckland I take a train, and wait for Gosia and Jacek (our Polish host, whom we met while hitch-hiking) :) We didn't expect we would see so fast again :)